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Footcare, Chiropody and Podiatry


A verruca is caused by the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) and is transmitted by contact, often from a swimming pool or changing room floor. Infection only occurs when the skin is broken and the virus invades skin cells and incubates, usually for many weeks or months. As it replicates, it causes overproduction of skin cells, resulting in a `warty` appearance.

Although they are contagious they are harmless and will often disappear on their own accord with no treatment, particularly in children. For this reason, we only offer verrucae treatment for adults.

Unfortunately, no treatment for verrucae is 100% effective, but if your verruca is painful or you want to take action to try and get rid of it we offer the following treatment options.

Salicylic Acid

Before applying the salicylic acid the callus overlying the verruca is reduced. The treatment is painless and home treatment is carried out in-between appointments. The salicylic acid gradually reduces the verruca with regular application and filing.

If you have already tried to treat the verruca without success, Sole Solution offers verruca needling as an alternative.

Verruca Needling Technique

If other treatments have failed to resolve your verruca then this highly effective procedure (69% effective) could be the answer. Research shows it is more effective than other options and only one (occasionally two) applications are needed.

The procedure is carried out painlessly under a local anaesthetic. Once numb, a controlled inflammatory response is stimulated by creating a superficial wound over the site of the verruca. This stimulates your body’s immune system to destroy the virus and only one verruca requires treatment as spontaneous resolution occurs in any others.

Normal activity can be resumed the day following the procedure.

This is a complete care package and includes two further appointments at one and ten weeks to review the results.

  • Verrucae untreated
    Before Treatment
  • Verrucae during treatment
    8 Weeks Post Treatment
  • Verrucae treatment results
    12 Weeks Post Treatment

Research paper link:

"Having had a verruca for over 4 years and trying various methods (some conventional and some not!) I came to see Karen in desperation.

After discussing treatment options I decided to try the needling technique. Naturally I was nervous but Karen was fantastic and put me at ease and I can honestly say it was painless both during the procedure and afterwards. I am so pleased to finally be rid of the verruca and would recommend it to anyone".

Sharon, Bournemouth


Call: 01202 460 045 or Book an Appointment